Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2012

100% Free Dating Site Paris France

A couple of friends wondered if there is really 100% free dating site in Paris, France!

Well - the business of dating sites in Paris watching its growth, and Parisians are used to see lots of advertisement about the new sites which claim to introduce your Sweet Love at earlist - which is something hard due to the nature and culture in Paris.

However, here is one site, which is though 100% free. However, it is completely in French. So, one really needs to learn French to be successful on this site ;)

Here is the address!

If you know anyother site, you can leave it in the reply section, and I will later update the blog

Paris; No Snowfall in 2011-12

Paris - known city of lights and love - had not seen snow fall in this year!

As a resident of Paris for last 4 years, it had been the first time that there had not been any snowfall in Paris. It is the 14th of January, and still there is no sign of snowfall. I am really missing the scene of white flakes of the snow coming down on the streets of Paris.

However, the good thing is that weather is quite pleasant. We are in winters, but the good thing is that it is not too cold. The temprature is - most of the times - above the 0.

Is it because of the 'global warming' or the weather changes?
It is not easy to answer!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Here are some of the pictures of the moveable bridge near Stade-de-France ( St. Denis ).
These pictures cover the opening and the closing of the bridge, to let a small ship pass!!!

have a look !

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Monalisa at Louvre Museum in Paris.

One of the three reasons to visit Paris was Monalisa - Said Davi, who had been visiting Paris from States. In this blog, we can not  show you entire Paris or even Louvre, but certainly, you can have a look on the painting of Monalisa.

In another blog, I will upload the pics of the room where monalisa is placed and you will surprised to see the rush of the people to see this masterpiece of the art.

By the way, I looked this painting from different angles - and monalisa never stops watching you. Whenever you are in Paris, you can try it yourself...

Pharaoh’s Mummy in Louvre, Paris.

I knew a long ago about the mummification of the Pharaohs, but I had never seen them in reality - as it only on display in Paris and in Egypt. But, I decided that one day, I am going to see this mummy and the day arrived.

One of my friend had been visiting from USA, and he really wished to see the painting of Monalisa and The Mummy. So, we headed towards the Louvre Museum, waited for hours in the long queue, demanded some Louvre’s employees and finally we were in front of the pharaoh’s mummy….

What we saw there is as under!

Can you imagine that how happy were we after seeing this mummy?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Stairs of Metro station Saint-Ambroise (L9), Paris; A Masterpiece of Art.

Parisians are well known as art lovers. Infact, French people do not miss any opportunity to create a masterpiece of art. Have a look on the following pictures - which were taken from the meto station Saint-Ambroise of Metro line-9, in Paris 11 (75011).

Have a look on the pictures. How the colors and caligraphy is used to create a lovely look.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pictures in Paris; A Piece of Art in front of old church

Half Rainbow on the skyline of Paris.

It was cloudy - as it is most of the times in Paris - when I saw the half rainbow on the skyline of Paris. In my home country, after the rain it was quite usual to see this colorful rainbow. I still remember the exceitement the rainbow was used to give in the childhood. Even, I was quite excited to see this rainbow as well. I immediately took the pictures of incomplete rainbow and started to wait for the time when it will be completed. It did not. Hence, my blog :(

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fete de la musique Paris 2011-12 in pictures

Here is fete de la musique Paris 2011-12 in Paris.
On the world music day, the Parisian streets were full of people and on the every square there were people gathered - enjoying the music.

Here are a few pictures which I took during roaming around in different streets and Paris. Most of these pics were taken in Paric centre.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

Lorry blocks the Tram

Today, I had been travelling in the Tram (T1) in the suburbs of Paris. I was in the tram T1, and travelling towards Rosny direction. When our tram crossed the Hotel De Ville ( La Courneuve ) station, it suddenly stopped. When the stay took longer then usual, then the passengers, including me, realized that it was a big traller which had blocked the road. People got out of the tram using emergency exits.

However, the good news is that we did not have to wait for long.
Soon, the personnel of the relevant department arrived and the truck was taken away.
Not sure, if the truck driver was finned or ....