Showing posts with label euro-blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label euro-blog. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Woman Feeding Snake from her Breast.

I saw this painting in the world famous museum of Louvre. In this painting, one can see that a woman - which is completely naked - is feeding a snake from her breast. I could not understand, frankly, that what the painter actually wanna say.

Do you have any idea?

A visit to the Louvre museum in Paris.

The other day, I had to visit the museum Louvre with a friend. Actually, I had some guests from the US who really wished to visit the portrait of Monalisa. Since Monalisa lives in the Louvre, so there was no other way, except to visit the museum. Since we visited the museum on the first Sunday of the month, we were successful in saving 30 euros.

Here are a few pics.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Barcelona Trip in pictures; Rambla

Here are few pics of my trip to Barcelona.....
Most of the pictures published here, were taken on the Placa Cataluna and on the famous rambla of Barcelona. Though, it was not sunny during my trip to Barcelona in June 2011, but it was okay anyway.

Let us have a look on the pictures.

One statue at Placa Cataluna

 Another Statue at Placa Cataluna
 A joker, preparing to make his living
 On the job
 A visitor passing by the person!
You can make a photo with him, but you are supposed to pay for the service

The front side of a church on the rambla

Entry way of a market.... look how beautiful it is !

Now, you can have a look on the colors of the entry way. After all, it is Barcelona

A street between two wonderful buildings.

Another joker,

Friday, July 1, 2011

Lorry blocks the Tram

Today, I had been travelling in the Tram (T1) in the suburbs of Paris. I was in the tram T1, and travelling towards Rosny direction. When our tram crossed the Hotel De Ville ( La Courneuve ) station, it suddenly stopped. When the stay took longer then usual, then the passengers, including me, realized that it was a big traller which had blocked the road. People got out of the tram using emergency exits.

However, the good news is that we did not have to wait for long.
Soon, the personnel of the relevant department arrived and the truck was taken away.
Not sure, if the truck driver was finned or ....